Saturday, June 23, 2007

Fun Times with Family

Over the weekend, we all went camping in Yankton. Pictured is Grandpa and Grandma Conrad, Dad and Mom, me and Matt, Hanna, Josh and his girlfriend Casey Krueger.
Me and Hanna (14) and Josh (20). Chris DeJabet took these photos in the dark!
My little cousin (Mark and Stephanie's daughter) with Josh's new dog Copper
Time for a bike ride! Please admire Grandma's new bike.
Grandma and Grandpa. With the blustery wind, we couldn't ride very far that day!
Hanna and Casey
Grandma and Josh. We love picnic dinners!
I love Copper. He's so cute and cuddly.
Fathers Day Dinner at Grandma's. Roast beef and the works. YUM!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Wee bit late :)

Hello to all of our readers, once again! Sorry it's been so long since we last posted, but we've kept rather busy and are looking forward to some stability now. Heather is working at the East Asian Institute and I'll be working at eTelecare again this summer, an apparent repeat of the last summer - without the marriage and planning for our country hopping of course! We've moved into an apartment in Vermillion, not too far from school or work, and are slowly but surely unpacking and finding a home for our stuff (some find a nice home in the big green bin outside). We now have internet at home and each has a cell phone, so we should be accessible if you need us.

We'll keep you posted on what else happens as it happens! Thank you all for your prayer and support, life is impossible without you.